
Recent Projects

Strong Built Houses

LGSF Houses

LGSF (light gauge steel frame) houses are a popular and cost-effective alternative to traditional building methods. These houses are made with a steel frame that is lightweight yet strong and durable, making them a great option for both residential and commercial buildings.

Fastest Built

Container Houses

A container house is a type of dwelling made from repurposed shipping containers. These houses are an increasingly popular choice for homeowners due to their durability, versatility, and sustainability.

Commercial Built

Slabs Extension

Slab extensions are structures that are built onto the existing foundations of a house to increase the amount of living space. They are a popular way to add additional living space to a house without the need to undertake major renovations or construct a separate building.

Ready to role

Wooden Houses

Wooden houses have been a popular building material for centuries, due to the availability and affordability of wood. They can be constructed using a variety of techniques, including log cabin construction, timber framing, and post-and-beam construction.

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